Energy efficiency is steadily becoming more of a focus with todays’ modern homeowner. As the effects of climate change become more apparent with every passing year, more and more people are trying to do their part to stem the tide of the climate crisis.

If you’re of the same mind as these people, but aren’t really sure what can be done, that’s okay. Climate change is an overwhelming issue, and it can feel daunting to want to make a difference. There are many ways that energy efficiency can be attained in your home, not least of which is electrical fault finding services.

1. Stay on top of electrical maintenance

There are many different types of electrical faults, and all have a different series of potential effects. Some can cause irreparable damage to equipment, others can cause serious dangers to people, such as electrical shocks, and electrical fires. Not only are electrical faults inherently dangerous but they’re also big problems for your energy consumption. Frequently, electrical faults force more energy to pass through the circuit than is required, either due to a lack of appropriate mitigation, or because the appliance itself is broken and requires more power to work properly.

Having a licensed electrician check out your home for electrical faults is integral not only to your safety, but to effectively managing your home’s electrical output. Making sure that your home’s circuitry is devoid of electrical faults is important in making sure you’re not using more power than you need to. Electrical fault finding services can be the difference between a safe, well-balanced electrical economy, that will not only save you money on your energy bills, but also restrict any undue electricity usage.

2. Stay on top of electrical maintenance

These days, most appliances have an energy rating, clearly labelled on their box. These ratings typically come in the form of a star rating, showing their energy efficiency and consumption. The higher the rating, the more efficient its energy consumption. Although these appliances often cost more than their low-rated counterparts, in the long run they will reduce your electric bills, and they’ll keep your home wastage free.

3. Let there be light!

Lights and lamps are some of the most common problem areas for houses trying to manage their energy consumption. The best way to save money with your lighting is to be sure that you’re switching them off when they’re not in active use. However we appreciate that some people have special requirements that require irregular light usage. In these instances, it can be a good idea to replace lights with more energy efficient bulbs such as Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs. These bulbs are proven to last longer, but use far less energy than standard fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulbs.

4. Insulate your home

Everyone uses heating and cooling to maintain a comfortable temperature in their home. However long gone are the stone age days of lighting a fire in the middle of the house that everyone can just gather around, or when a door was just a hole in a wall letting fresh cool air fill the home. Nowadays our demands for comfort come almost entirely from electricity. The problem with that is that about one-third of this is lost through walls, ceilings, and floors. All homes have a natural air flow, and when your home’s air flow is causing such a massive amount of your thermal regulation to be lost – you’re inevitably going to use stronger settings that utilise more electricity to compensate.

Investing in insulation can mitigate, and even entirely prevent this one-third loss, thus allowing you to use lesser forms of heat and cold manipulation, saving on energy usage and bills.

5. Install An Up-To-Date Hot Water System

Hot water is beautiful, there’s nothing quite like stepping into a hot shower, or relaxing in a nice, hot bath and just letting the water soothe all your cares and concerns. However, as wonderful as hot water is, it doesn’t change the fact that roughly 16% of Victoria’s household energy costs come from hot water.

Installing a more efficient hot water system can drastically reduce both your energy bill and electrical wastage.

6. Control Your Thermostat

We hate to do this to you on the internet, but your dads kind of had a point. Increasing the thermostat might make your home warmer and more comfortable, but the flip side is significantly increased running costs, and additional power consumption that can negatively affect the planet.


I recommend keeping your thermostat in a range between 18-20 degrees. This is a commonly comfortable temperature range that won’t get your thermostat running excessive costs. If your home is still too cold, put on some more layers or use a blanket. If it’s too hot, open some windows and doors and let in some fresh air. The environment, and your bills, will thank you for it!

Energy Efficiency

The benefits of energy efficiency far outweigh the costs. Aside from a steep reduction in the cost of bills, you will be contributing greatly to the safety of our planet, stemming the tide of excess carbon emissions while also keeping your family comfortable and safe. When looking at improving the electrical efficiency of your home, make sure that you get your home checked for potentially dangerous faults by a licensed and reputable professional. Once that’s done you can look at other options, solidifying a safe house and contributing to a brighter future for your loved ones.

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